Please check here frequently as Meeting Info changes regularly. Meetings – Make sure to check home page for Holiday meeting adjustments Masks are mandatory for ALL meetings. 10/2/20 Lake’s Lutheran meeting (8200 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89117) is from 7p-8p on Fridays in the Sanctuary. No self-serve community food or beverage allowed. Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a twelve step program for compulsive gamblers. The Gamblers Anonymous New York is a fellowship of recovering compulsive gamblers who live in. Gamblers Anonymous group is not only available online, but also in real life. They organize regular meetings internationally not only in the USA where they were first based. This is a great thing as many players across the world can get support face to face from members of this organization. The Gamblers Anonymous concept is that compulsive gamblers are really very sick people who can recover if they will follow to the best of their ability a simple program that has proved successful for thousands of other men and women with a gambling or compulsive gambling problem.

Gamblers Anonymous Online MeetingsAnonymous

Jump on the forum and talk with others who share your experience

We welcome anyone affected by gambling to become members of our community. We have tailored areas for people with lived experiences as well as family and friends. This is to connect people with similar experiences and foster the most encouraging and useful discussions that matter to these distinct groups.

The forum is a great place to make friends and connect with peers, keep track of your recovery efforts, be inspired and motivated by others, be liberated, share your strategies and help others.

Why would I join the Forum?

The Forum is a core part of the Gambling Help Online service. It is a non-threatening peer-moderated community, and is designed to assist you in your road towards recovery.

Its main aims are to:

  • Promote solidarity and healing through shared experience and connection with peers.
  • Provide a non-threatening way to access support if you are reluctant or not ready to access more formal help.
  • Provide additional support if you are currently attempting change, including if you are engaged in formal treatment, particularly between sessions.

What people have been saying about the forum

  • “I am truly grateful for all the support I have received on this forum from you all, had it not been for this support I don't think I would have made it this far. Thank you and I'm feeling super positive about life again!”
  • “I am truly grateful for all the support I have received on this forum from you all, had it not been for this support I don't think I would have made it this far. Thank you and I'm feeling super positive about life again!” “This forum has helped me continue the road to recovery in all its facets.”
  • “Just wanted to say thank you to all the warmth and support I've received from this site! I've finally made 100 days with no gambling!”
  • “This website has been incredibly helpful for me…you've come to a good place.”
  • “This forum is great, makes you realise you're not the only one.”
  • “Coming on to this site has had a massive impact on the way I think.”
  • “I’ve been using my first post to help me. Reading back over it, to understand…I know it's early days, but I feel a touch stronger after feeling the urge today and not giving in.”
  • “I am using this forum as a diary for myself, to keep myself on track”
  • “Reading some of the stories on this forum…gives me hope to see that people in worse situations are willing to reach out for help and try to change.”
  • “One of the most liberating things I have done in many years!”
Gamblers Anonymous Online Meetings

How to become a member of the forum

  • Click on the 'Get Started' button at the bottom of the page.
  • Sign up for community access – choose a username you are comfortable with anyone seeing – it is an open forum and most people make theirs anonymous
  • Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
  • Go to the forum and either start a thread or respond to the messages on someone else’s thread.

Gamblers Anonymous Online Meetings Zoom

If you aren’t quite ready to become a member but would like to have a look at the forum, click here and have a browse to see what other people are talking about: